Top 7 Healthy Foods for Healthy Mind

Top 7 Healthy Foods for Healthy Mind

“You are what you eat!” Or so they say. We all know that, in some way, this statement holds some truth. Eating healthy makes us feel generally better, while constantly munching junk leaves us somehow more hungry whilst feeling lethargic and lackluster. We should all be aiming to put slightly better food into our bodies, as the standard western diet is becoming worse and worse for us.

What about the brain? Our minds? How does food affect that? Well, whether you’re thinking of straight-up brain power or mental health, science shows time and time again that what we eat affects our brains too. 

Let’s take a look at our 7 top healthy foods that can help promote a healthy brain and mind. 

1. Blueberries

Our first choice for brain-enhancing food is the humble blueberry. Often referred to as a “superfood,” the blueberry has a plethora of health benefits reported all over the body. Whether you decide to eat them as a snack, top your muesli and yoghurt with them, or simply throw them in your Naturopress as part of a healthy smoothie, the benefits will be felt. When it comes to the brain, blueberries are absolutely packed with anthocyanins, a group of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It has been suggested that these qualities are able to reduce brain aging and improve short-term memory. Win, win for blueberries!

2. Omega-3 Rich Fish

For years we have been told that fatty fish is an essential part of our diet, and for good reason. Omega-3s are a vital building block for many parts of our body, not least the brain. 30% of the brain is made up of these kinds of fats, so keeping the levels up is important. In fact, not getting enough omega-3 fatty acids is linked to depression and learning impairments. Keeping your brain stocked with healthy omegas may help curb depression, then. It has also been shown that age-related brain function reduction can be stemmed by keeping omega-3s in the diet. If you are vegetarian or vegan, you can find omega-3 supplements such as algae oil instead.

There are different types of supplements we can take to aid our diet. Research-backed digestive health supplements can support our intestinal tract lining and protect us from bad bacteria and inflammatory toxins. Taking care of our gut, where our food goes to first absorb the necessary nutrients, is always a must. Nevertheless, this can only work best when we take steps to enjoy a healthier diet. We need to consider how it affects our digestive system and the rest of our bodies.

3. Turmeric

Turmeric is an often overlooked and undervalued item in our spice racks. It doesn’t taste all that much when ground, but it does add that rich orange colour to curries and sauces. Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, has been shown to be a very strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, just like the blueberry. There are also studies underway on its anti-cancer properties. Turmeric, again, has been linked to memory improvement and reduction in depression.

4. Dark Chocolate

“Wait, isn’t chocolate bad for you!?” Of course, eating pounds upon pounds of sugary chocolate isn’t going to be the best choice for anyone. But, dark chocolate can actually help with your brain. Flavonoids in cocoa – found in dark chocolate – have been shown to gather in areas of the brain that deal with learning and memory, meaning they may actually help enhance memory and slow down mental function decline in the elderly.

5. Coffee

Maybe another surprise addition to the list in coffee. Caffeine mixed with potent antioxidants means a great mix for your brain and mood. In fact, in many of us, caffeine is linked to a boost in serotonin, thus making us feel good. It also – as we all know – helps improve concentration and focus in the mind. 

6. Eggs

Eggs are often touted as a good brain-food. There are a whole host of nutrients in eggs linked to brain health including B vitamins, choline, and folate. Folate is linked to preventing age-related mental decline, while choline has ties to better overall mental function and memory improvement. Vitamins B6 and B12 are often deficient in those with depression, so may be linked to improved mood and mental health. Eggs, then, have plenty of healthy-mind ingredients.

7. Spinach

Our final mind-improving food is spinach. We all know that dark, leafy greens are good for us, but often we don’t get enough of them. Spinach, again, is super-rich in B vitamins. In fact, it is very similar to eggs as it contains B vitamin folate, meaning the benefits are similar: reduction in inflammation, improved mood, and better focus. Spinach and eggs for breakfast, then?

Adding these 7 foods to your diet should not be hard, especially since they’re all delicious additions to a varied diet! A blend of them all, regularly, in a balanced diet, will lead to mental health boosts, improved brain functionality, and potential longevity of mind. All great benefits, and definitely worth eating for! Add mood- and memory-boosting supplements, regular sleep, and exercise to the mix and you’re well on your way to becoming the best version of you you can be.

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