Submit Event

Have a Marvelous Event to Submit?

We love to promote your delicious content for FREE & need a small favor!

When you order from Amazon, please access it through the link below. It does not cost you anything and it will help us pay the bills. Plus Truffle Honey is Life Changing. 

Let me know you did this and your events will get preferential treatment!

MUST Read the Guidelines 

0) Content MUST be original. Please do not just copy and paste releases, add some intro. Google penalizes sites that do this!

1) MUST BE minimum 300 words
2) Include a catchy & descriptive headline.
3) Do not put any punctuation in the subject line.
4) Include descriptive text. Most of our traffic is search-based. Include Date and link to event or tickets too!
5) Do not use ALL-CAPS anywhere.
6) Do not include repetitive information.
7) Do not include directions to your venue.
8) JPG image is mandatory and must be under 200 KB in size.
9) Please make sure it is an awesome event!

10) Events need to be at least a week in advance

11) Send An Awesome Image, events with mediocre images or fliers will not be published!


Listings sent in improper format & NOT Original will be rejected.
All submissions are reviewed before publication.
Submissions are usually published within 96 hours, but may take longer.

Thanks for submitting!


Submit an Event

Please follow the directions to have your event submitted.
  • Please only submit if we currently cover your city or a very nearby city.
  • Please Limit to 40 Characters and make it catchy
  • This is where you post the information or press release. Please check spelling and take out the what, where, who bullet points. Make it Pretty!
  • The more tags you put the better chance of having the article seen! Example: food, miami. wine, brickell, wine event in brickell, food and wine event in brickell...
  • JPG & MUST be under 200 KB. We prefer a stellar photo if possible.