Top 14 Custom T-Shirt Designs For Couples

T-shirts have always been on trend within the fashion industry, and, so far, they’re not showing signs of decline. Many fashion brands are always actively developing unique t-shirt designs to enhance people’s style, or, hopefully, start a new t-shirt trend. One such trend is the custom t-shirt designs for couples.

Some couples use these shirts as a way to show off their love for each other and tell people that they’re in a committed relationship or marriage. This fashion trend is almost the same as announcing your relationship status on social media. What’s more, you can also come up with your own design, slogan, or graphics that relate to you both as a couple.  

Whether you’re starting your own business line of couple t-shirts or you’re simply looking for a design to wear with your beloved partner, here are the top custom couple t-shirt designs you may want to consider:  

  1. King And Queen  

This is one of the most famous and still on-trend couple t-shirt designs. You can pick any t-shirt color you’re both comfortable wearing and have them printed with the slogans ‘King’ and ‘Queen’. You can also enhance it by adding crowns on each word or printing your couple numbers at the back.

To make things easier, you can check out Printful and other t-shirt printing services, and you can easily order custom couple t-shirts online for yourself and your partner, or for your custom couple t-shirts business. These will be perfect whenever you’re having a photo shoot or you’re celebrating a milestone in your relationship.   

  1. Soulmate 

In many ways, this fashion trend is similar to announcing your relationship status on social media. A high-quality DTF printer can also be used to print your own design, slogan, or graphics based on your relationship as a couple or newfound soulmate.

Finding your soulmate is one of the best things that can ever happen to anyone. So, if you believe you finally found your soulmate or you know of a couple who already found theirs, consider designing twin t-shirts with the words’ Soul’ and ‘Mate.’ It’s up to you which font you’d prefer when printing these words.  

  1. Halloween Pumpking And Pumpqueen 

This design may be seasonal, but it’s perfect for couples looking for a design to match their Halloween costumes. Preferably, go for black t-shirts and print them with orange pumpkins with crowns, and the words’ Halloween Pumpking’ and ‘Halloween Pumpqueen.’  

  1. Pizza Slice 

For a pizza lover who happens to fall in love with another pizza lover, consider having your couple tees designed with a pizza. In this concept, the other shirt will have a pizza with a missing slice, while the other shirt contains the missing slice. It’s like saying that your partner has the missing slice that’ll complete your pizza. Now, you have a cool shirt to wear to your friend’s pizza party!

  1. Superhero Couple 

If you’re lucky enough to find someone who’s also a fan of superheroes, you can design your couple t-shirts with ‘Catwoman’ and ‘Batman.’ Better yet, you can also include cartoon prints of the heroes, together with their names. These shirts will be perfect for your casual day trips or even your pre-wedding shoot. You can also go for other superhero couples, like Invisible Girl and Mr. Fantastic, Jean Gray and Cyclops, and more.

  1. Ketchup And Mustard  

A burger with ketchup won’t taste complete without mustard, and the same goes the other way around. Everyone knows how ketchup and mustard always go hand-in-hand in almost every sandwich. If you and your partner have a ketchup-and-mustard type of bond, you can incorporate this as a design for your couple tees and include the slogan, “Partners in crime.”

  1. EST. Since 

Some couples love to be open and proud about how long their relationships have been, especially if they’ve been together for a few years. So, if you’re proud of your long-term relationship or marriage, consider designing your couple tees with ‘EST. Since,’ then include the specific year you first dated or got married. T-shirts like these also make for an excellent gift for couples during their anniversaries.

  1. Mr. And Mrs. 

This couple design trend has been going around for several years. So, if you’re a married couple who’d like to celebrate your marital union, you can try out this design, including your married surnames. For example, if you’re married to Mr. Ford, you can print on the tees the words ‘Mr. Ford’ and ‘Mrs. Ford.’ You can also think of other designs to include in the shirt, like crowns, or a mustache and red lips. You could also hire a freelance graphic artist to help you brainstorm for more unique designs. 

  1. Peanut Butter And Jelly 

Like mustard and ketchup, peanut butter and jelly are also popular for being a perfect combination for sandwiches. Not only that, but once they’re mixed in the sandwich together, they’re just simply inseparable. Let the people know how inseparable you are as a couple with a peanut butter and jelly couple tees design. 

  1. Stuck With Him/Her 

Whether you or someone you know is happily stuck in love with someone, you can have couple t-shirts designed with the terms, ‘Stuck With Her’ and ‘Stuck With Him.’ To make the design more interesting, you can play with your font styles or make it look like eye-catching doodle text.  

  1. Salt And Pepper 

Everyone knows how salt and pepper are always together in every kitchen or table. So, if you’re a couple who are always together, anywhere and anytime, this couple design could be perfect for you. You can add a cute drawing of salt and pepper to make the design more comical and playful. 

  1. Fishing For Love 

An original design you may want to consider is the ‘fishing for love’ illustration in which the guy’s t-shirt has a drawing of a guy fishing on a boat. Meanwhile, the girl’s shirt will have a mermaid underwater, whose the catch for love.  

  1. Beauty And The Beast 

Whether you’re still dating or married for several years, this design will match any couple. You can also add other graphics together with the ‘Beauty’ and ‘Beast,’ like a ribbon and a dumbbell, or go for the most obvious one: the faces of Belle and the prince from the famous fairytale.  

  1. The Magnetic Love 

If you feel like your love for each other is like an irresistible magnetic force, you can try this concept for your t-shirt design. The first t-shirt can be a sketch of a person carrying a huge magnet, while the other shirt has a sketch of a person getting pulled by the magnetic force.  

Wrapping Up 

Now, you have these cute and playful couple t-shirt designs to choose from and incorporate into your collection of couple tees. You can either use them and gift them to your partner, the couples you know, or start your own business line of custom couple t-shirts.

1 Comments on this post

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    Punjabi Adda / Reply

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