Kreation Organic Makes Being Healthy Deliciously Easy

Kreation Organic Makes Being Healthy Deliciously Easy

By Samantha Dockser

Juices, and smoothies, and tonics, oh my! Staying healthy and keeping up with the latest trends can be overwhelming. But at Kreation Organic Juceries and Kafes, eating clean isn’t hard. It just tastes good.

Kreation Organic

Kreation Organic provides customers with healthy yet delicious drinks and snacks designed to invigorate the body and mind. And with an expansive menu of juices, there is something for everyone—from the most experienced juice cleanser to the person who swore they would never try a cleanse.

Kreation Organic

When you stop by Kreation Organic, don’t feel overwhelmed by your juice choices. The kind staff will be more than happy to help you sample a few flavors to figure out what you’d like to drink. My favorite juices I sampled were “Sassy” and “Green #2.

Kreation Organic

Sassy is made of watermelon, lemon, and cayenne. Drinking it, you will enjoy the metabolic benefits of cayenne pepper, which stimulate the digestive tract and intestinal peristaltic motion. Meanwhile, lemon and watermelon energize and neutralize free radicals in the blood stream, leaving you feeling revitalized. It also has been known to increase libido, which is a fun bonus.

Kreation Organic

Green #2 is made with lemon, apple, kale, cucumber, parsley, celery, spinach, and romaine. This juice will help you bring balance to your body. While celery regulates your body temperature, romaine promotes healthy kidney function, cucumber supports your urinary system, and spinach aids in digestion. Kale calms inflammation, celery improves your metabolism, and apple detoxifies. Green 2 is also a key element in several of their Kreation Kleanses.

Kreation Organic

Maybe you’re wondering what exactly a cleanse (or Kreation Kleanse) is and why you should try it. At Kreation Organic, they make understanding this simple. If you were to do a juice cleanse, what it means is, you would only drink juice made from raw fruits and veggies for a minimum of five days. Raul at the West Hollywood Kreation explained to me that for a beginner’s cleanse, the juices are made with more fruit than veggies. The first three days are known as a detox. But as the days progress, the juices become more and more vegetable based. And the positive affects of the juice cleanse really kick in. The knowledgeable staff is more than happy to help you understand what sort of cleanse is right for you. And if you don’t think you can commit to an only juice cleanse, that’s okay. Kreation Organic offers a 12 day “Meltdown Program,” which contains soup, snacks, and meals in addition to juice.

Kreation Organic

At Kreation Organic, the “Pressed Juices” are never high pressure pasteurized, delivering significantly more nourishment and health benefits than traditional juicing methods. The juices are not only great for your body, but taste great too! All Kreation juices are made from Farmer’s Market Certified Organic fruits and vegetables purchased locally in Santa Monica. They flood the body’s cells with vitamins, minerals, and enzymes that cleanse, heal, and nourish.

Kreation Organic

If you’re still thinking, “juice doesn’t appeal to me, despite how delicious it tastes,” don’t worry. Kreation Kafe offers salads, sandwiches, kabobs, and almost every breakfast food you can think of. I tasted the Amazon Acai Bowl made of acai juice, bananas, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, and almond butter. The bowl is then topped with apple, strawberry, banana, bee pollen, raw honey, and gluten free granola.

Kreation Organic

Oh and no matter what you order, you are going to get a few drops of liquid chlorophyll in your water. It increases the quality and quantity of red blood cells, while also cleansing the body by reducing the binding of carcinogens to the liver. Equally valuable for its healing properties, removing toxic heavy metals and reducing inflammation. How LA is that?

Kreation Organic

I can’t recommend Kreation Organic highly enough. With twelve locations across Los Angeles, be sure to look up the one nearest you. I look forward to eventually tasting every juice on the shelf. Be sure to let us know your favorites!

Peace. Love. Juice.


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About Samantha Dockser

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Originally from outside Washington, DC, Samantha is an actress living in Los Angeles. She just graduated Magna Cum Laude from the University of Miami with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Acting. When she is not performing, Samantha can be found brunching, exploring, and SoulCycling all over LA. For more of her foodie adventures, follow Samantha on Instagram at @The_Starving_Actor. For more Samantha when she's not eating, follower her at @SNDockser.

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