Decaf: 3 Benefits You Can Enjoy from Drinking It Regularly

Decaf: 3 Benefits You Can Enjoy from Drinking It Regularly

Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world. Some people rely on it for energy, so far that they don’t even feel like they are awake until they have their morning cup of coffee. One cup of coffee isn’t enough for some people; many consume more than one cup a day. Coffee is considered a healthy beverage, however, like many things, consuming too much of it may be bad for your health. 

This is due to the dangers of consuming too much caffeine, and these dangers include digestive issues, high blood pressure, increased urination, palpitations, and anxiety. So what should coffee lovers do to get their fix without endangering their health? Well, the answer is simple, they can drink decaf coffee. 

If you love coffee then you probably dread the word decaf, because you are probably thinking what is really the point of decaf coffee? Well, the thing is decaf coffee is the better choice if caffeine has caused you health problems. Not only that, but decaf coffee has many health benefits as well that you can enjoy from drinking it regularly, so keep reading to learn about them.

  1. Reduces the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

Coffee is known for lowering the risk of type 2 diabetes, and many people believed that it was the caffeine that is responsible for it. However, recent studies have shown that decaf coffee has similar effects and can also reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, which means that caffeine isn’t the only factor responsible for protecting you. Decaffeinated coffee is also the better option because it allows you to drink coffee on a regular basis while avoiding exposure to caffeine. So, how does decaf coffee lower the risk of diabetes? 

Consuming decaf coffee enhances insulin sensitivity in your body, and you can also add sugar to it without worrying about your metabolism. Therefore, drinking decaf coffee regularly as a substitute for regular coffee doesn’t only protect you from the dangers of caffeine, but also reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes.

  1. Heart Diseases and Pregnancy

Regular coffee is known for having many health benefits, but decaf coffee has its own health benefits as well. It is believed that decaf coffee protects you from having heart diseases and it is the better choice because regular coffee, even when drunk moderately, raises the risk of having a heart attack. Moreover, regular coffee also increases your heartbeat. This is why you should reduce caffeine from your diet or avoid it completely and opt for decaf coffee, especially if it is the doctor’s orders or if your family has a history of heart problems. 

Everyone knows that women should limit their caffeine intake during pregnancy and breastfeeding. This is why the reviews found at suggest that women should switch to decaf coffee during these critical times, because consuming more than 200 milligrams of caffeine a day may cause women to miscarry. Caffeine also passes through women’s milk when they drink coffee while breastfeeding so heavy coffee drinkers should consider switching to decaf coffee during pregnancy and in their breastfeeding period.

  1. Better Sleep and Less Anxiety

As you probably know, caffeine can cause insomnia. There is a reason why most people drink coffee in the morning and that is so they can be energized. You don’t really need this kind of energy at night or before going to sleep, as caffeine is a powerful stimulant and can cause you insomnia. If you want a good night’s sleep you should avoid coffee in the evening or you will wake up feeling extremely tired as a result of the lack of sleep. In order to avoid insomnia and wake up feeling energetic the next day, you should opt for decaf coffee in the evenings. Another factor that can affect your sleep is anxiety. 

If you have anxiety and hope to find ways to reduce it, then again lower your caffeine intake because caffeine raises your anxiety level. Therefore, you should drink decaf coffee to improve your sleep, reduce your anxiety, and you will notice a huge improvement in your health.

The idea of living without your daily coffee intake is probably unheard of. However, no one is telling you that you should stop drinking coffee. As a matter of fact, coffee has many health benefits but you shouldn’t abuse this privilege, as too much isn’t good for your health. If you are a heavy coffee drinker, pregnant, breastfeeding, have heart problems, suffer from insomnia or anxiety, like to drink coffee in the evenings, or want to protect yourself from type 2 diabetes, then decaf coffee is the better option for your caffeine cravings.

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