Crucial Decisions You Need To Make After Getting Hurt In A Road Crash

Crucial Decisions You Need To Make After Getting Hurt In A Road Crash

A car accident can leave you with a lot of questions and give you lots of problems. This article outlines some crucial decisions that you’ll need to make after getting hurt in any type of road crash. The actions you take early on will determine if you will get the reprieve you want.

Seek Medical Attention

After a car accident, you may discover that you’ve suffered an injury. Even minor accidents can result in injuries, including sprains and bruises. While some injuries may be visible, others might not. You must see a medical practitioner for a full-body exam after the accident.  Seeing a psychologist for emotional trauma is just as important. 

Protect Evidence at the Scene of Road Crash

Getting compensation for your road crash accident will require you to prove that you were injured, and provide several pieces of evidence. Snap a quick picture of the scene on your phone – including (but not limited to) skid marks, puddle depths/types of fluids, debris type/location, location of street lights, photos of anything that seems out of place (either before or after the incident), and anything else you find is relevant.

Consider Contacting Your Insurer

If you fail to contact your insurer after a certain period, they might deny paying for the damages caused by the accident. For example, different insurance If you are involved in an accident that causes injuries or death, you are mandated by Los Angeles law to report the accident in 24 hours, regardless of who was at fault. 

Failure to do so may see them decide against compensating you for damages. As such, you should contact your insurer immediately after you get hurt in a road accident.

Do Not Admit Fault

There are a lot of people who get into road accidents in California, a state with several major cities in it. Most of those who get involved will deny their responsibility in the said accident. Fundamentally, this is one of the most important decisions you will have to make if you are involved in a car accident in Los Angeles. The biggest problem with admitting fault is that it can ruin your chances of collecting compensation from the at-fault party. For instance, if you feel bad for the at-fault party because of his injury, and you say “I am sorry”. 

The lawyer for the at-fault party or someone from the insurance company can twist your words, and say it is the admission of guilt, even though you only said that because you feel sorry for the other party because he is in pain. This is important, especially when you have not hired an attorney.

Do Not Speak to the Other Party’s Insurance Company Before Hiring a Lawyer

While there are likely many things that you may need to deal with following a serious accident, you should never give an audience to the insurance company of the other driver unless you have spoken with a lawyer first. 

These insurance companies know that if you speak to their adjuster, you will likely tell them things that could be used against you. Insurance companies are not looking out for your best interests, they are only looking out for their company and the bottom line. It’s better to ignore these calls and instead focus on talking to a lawyer like Terry and Kelly that can help you navigate through this process.

File a Police Report

The purpose of a police report is two-fold. First of all, you’ll be filing an official document, containing the details of the incident. Even if the insurance company is not yet involved, filing a police report gives you an automatic liability waiver against your home insurance policy and any other policies that you might have. 

Secondly, in cases where there are eyewitnesses involved, a police report also helps to establish that you were involved in a vehicle accident. The police officer who takes down your statement will be able to speak to other parties directly, instead of having to take their version second-hand.

Call Your Attorney

If you have been injured in a car accident, a lot of things will be running through your mind. There is no doubt that you are going to be in a bit of pain. Not only will you be in pain physically, but you will also probably feel confused, insecure, and stressed about how you are going to pay for your medical bills and lost wages from missing work. 

As if that’s not enough, there are also legal issues to deal with in deciding whether or not to pursue compensation from the negligent party. In this situation, you need someone on your side. Someone who can fight for you, with the law. Contact a personal injury lawyer in the Los Angeles area, for a consultation and the strategy to pursue your case.

There you have it, the important decisions that could make or mar your personal injury case. The main point to take from this is, to be thorough as you can in every stage of the case. Whether it is during evidence gathering, giving your statement to the authorities, or briefing your lawyer. The more facts provided, the better for your interest.

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