CBD And THC: Understanding The Difference

Cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) are two of the most commonly discussed compounds found in marijuana. They are often used together, but there are some key differences between them that you should know about. For example, THC is a psychoactive compound that provides the “high” feeling you’d expect from smoking weed, CBD is not psychoactive in the same sense as THC and can be used to reduce anxiety and depression. This article will explore their different effects on your body as well as which one might be right for you! 

The Difference Between Edibles and Smoking

There are some key differences between how these two compounds affect your body. Smoking marijuana is often more effective for those who would like to receive the THC immediately as it absorbs into the bloodstream through inhalation. However, some people enjoy incorporating CBD and THC into their lifestyles by consuming edibles or oils, which can provide a longer-lasting effect, so they don’t have to medicate nearly as often throughout the day. 

For many, one of the most important aspects of using CBD and THC is how they work together synergistically to treat certain conditions such as pain, nausea, sleep disorders, inflammation, anxiety, and depression. This may surprise many readers, but did you know that there are THC gummies for pain relief? There are many THC and CBD products out there that offer many health benefits, so don’t be afraid to experiment with those, just make sure you ask around for the best and safest ways to consume those products. For instance, while cannabis causes Sativa strains to tend to be more euphoric, Indica strains make you feel tired and sleepy. This is because the THC in Sativa strains interacts with CBD to create a biphasic (or two-phase) effect on your brain and body. 

What is THC?

THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, is the psychoactive compound that’s responsible for the high feeling you get when smoking weed. While THC by itself only has psychoactive properties, your body actually contains a system called the endocannabinoid system (ECS), which produces chemicals known as cannabinoids to activate the compounds produced by the marijuana plant. These cannabinoids act upon regions of your brain associated with memory, pleasure, and motor control, among others. THC attaches to cannabinoid receptors in your body to produce its effects. The more THC present in your bloodstream, the stronger these effects are likely to be. For instance, if someone were to smoke too much weed at once they might experience a severe hallucination or even delusions. For this reason, it’s recommended that people who are inexperienced with using marijuana should be very careful when using THC-containing products.

In addition to being a psychoactive compound, THC can also provide other beneficial effects for your body such as pain relief and anti-tumor properties. It does so by attaching to cannabinoid receptors in areas of your body affected by pain or tumors to reduce inflammation and the resulting pain you feel from them. 

What is CBD?

CBD, or cannabidiol, is another major compound found in marijuana. Unlike THC, CBD is not psychoactive and actually counteracts some of the effects of THC like reducing paranoia and anxiety caused by too much THC. In fact, CBD can reduce the side effects of THC by a whopping 40%! Instead of attaching to cannabinoid receptors in your brain, CBD attaches to these receptors outside of your brain and changes how they work. This is why CBD does not produce a high feeling and has numerous other positive effects such as reducing pain, inflammation, and tumors. 

Of course, we can’t talk about CBD without mentioning its benefits for the human body. These include serotonin production (which regulates mood), antioxidant properties (protecting cells against damage), and anti-cancer properties (reducing the malignant growth of cancerous cells). All told, that’s a pretty impressive list of benefits for something that doesn’t even get you high!

CBD vs. THC: Which is Best for You?

While CBD and THC have numerous positive effects, it’s important to remember that both of these substances work very differently from one another. THC delivers a psychoactive punch to your brain while CBD works outside of your brain to produce a variety of beneficial effects. So which one is best for you?

If you’re looking for relief from pain or the negative side effects of chemotherapy, then CBD may be right for you. It has been shown in countless studies to reduce pain and inflammation with few side effects. In addition, CBD can help reduce tumor growth in cancer patients by reducing vomiting and nausea caused by chemotherapy treatments.

For those who want a psychoactive experience, then THC may be the way to go. Its ability to reduce anxiety and depressive symptoms has made it effective for treating conditions such as PTSD. It can also help people struggling with migraines by reducing pain intensity, which is especially helpful considering only 25% of sufferers are actually able to find relief through prescription migraine medication.

When it comes to CBD and THC, make sure you know the difference. While both substances are found in marijuana plants, they work very differently from one another. If you’re looking for relief from pain or side effects of chemotherapy treatments like nausea and vomiting, then CBD is likely best for you. On the other hand, if you want a psychoactive experience that reduces anxiety and depression symptoms while also reducing migraine intensity, then THC may be more your speed! Make sure to ask experts which type would work better with your lifestyle before making any decisions!

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