Creative people know that inspiration comes and goes, but the unfortunate thing is that it can go when we least want it to. Creativity is an odd thing to pin down, but it’s also true that in our world, deadlines need to be met, and anyone who has worked on a film set or tried to qualify for an arts degree knows that.
Maybe you’re trying to write a novel but you’re nowhere close to doing so and have had writer’s block for a while. Maybe you want to paint more but you feel no creative spark to do it. Many of us try to push through these moments, often thinking that discipline matters more than inspiration, which is true enough. But there’s also something to be said for changing your surroundings when you’re stuck in a rut. Travel especially is pretty great for resetting our perspective, as it can give us mental space that’s hard to find at home.
In this post, we’ll discuss why and how travel can help shake us up and get us out of any rut we might have fallen victim to so far. Without further ado, please consider:
Different Spaces Create Different Thoughts
Our usual workspace becomes invisible after a while, something we know is there but that doesn’t really factor in to our daily decisions. Any copywriter who works from home mostly, but then finds themselves writing much more fluently in a coffee shop, knows how a change of scenery can help.
As such, a new space brings all those little details back into focus. For instance, if you write in a hotel cafe and booking a hotel room in Atlanta, in this case you’ll have the sound of people chatting in the lobby, morning light coming through new windows, and the view of a different skyline. These small changes add up and help you feel more in tune with life, because your mind starts noticing things again instead of running on autopilot. That’s good ground for creative thinking.
Meeting New People Changes Your Ideas
Not to get too philosophical about it, but the people and surroundings we have around us help to define who we are. There’s nothing necessarily wrong with having the same people, same topics, same perspectives day after day, because your family is absolutely going to be your main priority, and we all tend to situate ourselves somehow.
But now and then, travel puts you in rooms with people who think differently, as you might strike up conversations with people, learn about new cultures or a historical area, or just see the pace of life in a distinct space and want to be part of it. Meeting new people can give you a fair amount of new perspective then, so don’t discount it.
Movement Helps The Mind Move Too
The body gets stuck in routines just like the mind does, and travel forces new movements, such as walking different streets, eating at new tables, and sleeping in different beds. This physical change often brings mental change with it and can shake some of the cobwebs off, just like a good workout may help ideas start flowing again once you’re out of those deep grooves that form in daily life. Sometimes the best way forward means taking a few steps away first.
With this advice, we hope you can remove that creative rut and have a wonderful travel experience.