Why Everyone Should Try Random Video Chats at Least Once

You may not think that random video chats could be all that entertaining, much less beneficial, but you’d be surprised at just how much fun you could have while chatting online with strangers. It’s understandable to think that, though; even though video chats are used by millions of people worldwide, it’s often thought of as simply a way to kill time.

That’s one possible use for random video chatting on sites like Shagle, but it can be so much more than that. A word of warning is in order, though: if you try it once, you may not ever want to stop! Every time you sign onto your favorite video chat site, you get to feel the excitement as you wonder, “who will I talk with today?”. Getting to talk to people in a low-pressure environment isn’t just fun; it’s rewarding as well.

Has this piqued your curiosity? Read on to find out just a few of the reasons why you should give random video chats a try.   

Meet interesting new people

Most video chat sites have users from all over the world – anywhere between a few dozen countries, to nearly 200. Sometimes you can even filter by country, which is awesome if you want to learn about a certain culture, or practice a second language. No matter where they’re from, you’re certain to meet some pretty colorful characters.

In the course of meeting new people, you’ll talk to plenty who stick out for one reason or another. Maybe it’s because of their personality, their job, or their overall lifestyle, but whatever the reason, those interactions will brighten your day – and maybe even make you look at life a little differently.  

Satisfy your needs for social interaction

Has your social life felt dull lately? If not, you’re in the minority. Assuming you’ve been craving some company, video chats can give you all the socialization you could ask for.

This is one way in which video chat definitely trumps text chat – you get to actually see the other person as you’re talking, and hear their voice. Who knows if there’s any science to back this up, but it’s not a stretch to imagine that even talking with a real-time, two-dimensional image of another human being is at least a decent substitute for in-person interaction.

Plus, you don’t have to stop at just one or two chats – you can keep going as long as you want. If one person checks out of a chat, there are thousands more for you to randomly match with.

Enjoy free entertainment

Just like social interactions, a lot of people are living with incomes that have been reduced to some degree. The good news? Random video chatting is almost always free! It’s easier than ever to find a video chat site that has all the features you want, without requiring payment.

If there’s room in your budget for entertainment, though, you might consider a site that offers some paid extra features. You wouldn’t have to commit to a purchase right away as you tried out the basic version of the site, but you’d always have the option to add some bells and whistles later on.

Stimulate your brain with unpredictable conversations

Part of the charm of random video chatting is that you never know what’ll happen next. It’s like eating jelly beans without picking out your favorite flavors – you may end up with a few that you don’t care for, but that makes it all the more satisfying when you get one that you really like.

What do you think you’ll end up talking about? Will it be dogs vs. cats for pets, or memories of your favorite road trips as kids? You could take it easy and see if people start the conversations themselves, or you could suggest topics that are already on your mind. Either way, it’s impossible to tell where the algorithm will take you – and that’s what makes it fun.

Relieve boredom

It happens to the best of us. Even if you’re normally busy, you start getting through the day and realize that you’ve completed everything on the list by 2 PM. What now? Go see what’s up on a video chat website!

TV shows, games, and apps are all available for our entertainment, but they don’t have the personal factor of random video chatting. All those things will still be around, whether or not you pay attention to them; the people you chat with, though, are a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it kind of opportunity.

Expand your horizons

One of the common frustrations of social distancing is that peoples’ lives seem to shrink around them. Since they’re doing everything they can from home, it can feel like they’re losing touch with the outside world.

When you video chat with strangers online, though, it’s like a way for you to see what’s going on in the world again. Not just the version that’s shown on television or social media – the stuff that’s happening in the lives of normal people.

You’ll also be able to learn about all kinds of cool stuff. Not just facts, but viewpoints that you’ve never considered before. Even if it doesn’t become a part of your everyday life, you’ll still be able to see certain things from a more balanced perspective.

Overcome shyness

Do you hate the pressure that comes with social interactions? Random video chat sites offer all the interactions you can handle, with almost none of the pressure. Say you lost your nerve and said something really awkward – just move on to the next chat! It really is that simple.

As you rack up some experience, you’ll start gaining confidence. Pretty soon, talking via video chats will seem like second nature, and you’ll be ready to take on in-person conversations like a champ.

One last thing: it’s just fun!

Random video chat sites wouldn’t have so many users if they weren’t so entertaining. You may even figure out some of your own reasons for video chatting once you start – but you’ll never know until you actually give it a try!

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