What Are the Top 10 Most Commonly Replaced Car Parts?

Cars have many parts and components that work together to move the driver and passengers safely and comfortably from one place to another. However, some parts are designed to take the beating as the car moves so they will need frequent replacements compared to others.

The good news is that the parts designed to take the beating are affordable and easy to replace. Car owners should learn about various car parts and how frequently they should replace them to prevent the car from breaking down when least expected. This article lists the top 10 most replaced auto parts regardless of the car brand.

Oil Filters

Many car owners probably did not expect oil filters to feature in the list. This is because it seems a minor part designed for a simple function in the car. However, an oil filter has a thin membrane to prevent tiny solid particles in the engine oil from entering the engine. The pressure from the running engine pushes the oil through the oil filter, leaving the impurities trapped in the filter.

During the oil change, the mechanic also changes the oil filters. The leading north side auto parts suppliers have various oil filters for different car brands and models. In fact, it is one of the cheapest parts in the market despite its crucial function. Replacing the oil filter on time prevents engine damage and expensive repair services.

Engine Air Filter

The engine requires clean air to burn gas and generate power. This air filter ensures only clean air gets into the engine for combustion. The filter is cheap and easy to install.

However, the useful life of the air filter usually varies based on the driving conditions and type of car. The filters should be replaced when filled with dark or dusty spots to ensure the air that gets into the engine is clean.

Spark Plugs

Gas engines need a spark plug to ignite a small quantity of gas and cause a small explosion in a sequence to propel the car. As the spark plugs generate sparks, they gradually break down and reduce effectiveness over time. This makes the car less fuel efficient and the engine becomes noisy. Therefore, drivers whose cars generate less power when accelerating should consider replacing the spark plugs.

The car is likely to use more gas if the spark plugs are worn out. Car manufacturers recommend replacing the plugs after every 30,000 miles, but the replacement distance can vary depending on the car model and driving conditions. Spark plugs are relatively cheap to replace just like oil filters.

Car Battery

Many car batteries last between three and five years. Many cars stall on the road because of battery issues since the power from the battery supports many electrical components. However, is recharged by the alternator as the engine runs.

An engine fails to start normally if the battery is dead. However, jumpstarting it gives the battery power to start the engine, which, in turn, recharges the battery through the alternator. However, if the battery is dead, it will not recharge even after jumpstarting the car, which means it is due for replacement.


Drivers should always ensure their car lights are functioning as expected. This is because car lights illuminate the road and help communicate with other drivers before turning or stopping. Headlights help motorists to drive comfortably and safely in darkness, while the taillights make the car visible to other road users at night and in fog or snowy conditions.

Some cars have as many as 15 lights and some will certainly blow and need replacement. Like the other auto parts that need regular replacement, lights are inexpensive and easy to install. However, car owners should use the lights specified by the car manufacturer.


Belts around the engine transfer the engine power to the alternator, water pump, and other car components. However, these belts can slip, snap, or become loose sometimes. Experienced car owners can tell when the belts need replacement, but it might be hard for some drivers and car models.

Since many car manufacturers do not specify the lifespan of the belts, car owners should inspect them regularly and check for warning signs such as cracks and missing threads. Belts could also make the car generate weird noises when the driver starts the engine.


A car requires power from the battery to start the engine and operate electronic components such as the infotainment system. Once the engine starts, the alternator charges the battery to ensure it has enough power to keep the car running and operate relevant components. The alternator is expensive to replace, but it can work efficiently for years and cover hundreds of thousands of miles before replacement.


Unlike other car components, fuses are designed to fail when necessary. If too much current flows through a circuit, the fuse should fail to prevent the excessive power from damaging expensive car components. Although replacing the fuse is easy, drivers should not replace fuses. This is because a broken fuse is a sign of a major electrical problem that should be addressed before replacement.

Brake Pads

When the driver steps on the brake pedal, the pads bear the stress and friction of holding the disks until the car stops.  If the pads are worn out, they might damage the mount and other components, which are more expensive to repair or replace. Therefore, the driver should watch for warning signs such as screeching and grinding noises or check if the pads are at least a quarter inch thick.

Wiper Blades

The rubber in the wiper blades can be damaged by water, dirt, dust, and heat from the sun. Therefore, they become too hard or crack increasing the risk of scratching the windshield.

Besides, worn-out blades reduce visibility in rain or snowy conditions. Therefore, car owners should replace the blades as soon as possible to enhance visibility.

These are the top most replaced car parts that drivers or car owners should keep an eye on. If worn out or broken, they should be replaced immediately to improve reliability and efficiency. However, it is crucial to involve mechanics when necessary and choose the right replacement parts to ensure efficient performance.

About Ari Kane

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