Here’s How Smoking Affects Your Love Life
We all know that smoking can cause cancer, heart disease, and more, but did you know it can actually affect your love life as well? From poor hygiene to limited options and physiological effects, smoking cigarettes can make your love life that much more difficult. And, if you’re planning on having children, smoking may cause infertility.
At the end of the day, smoking doesn’t offer any benefits and only causes the body harm. Let’s take a closer look at some of the ways that smoking negatively affects your love life.
Poor Hygiene
Cigarettes smell bad. We all know this. When you’ve been smoking long enough, you tend not to notice that the smell of smoke and nicotine on your clothes, hair, skin, and furniture/vehicle interior. Everything you own becomes infected with the scent, and you can’t possibly clean it out of everything 100%. You’re going to have the smell of cigarettes on your breath and clothes regardless of your efforts.
Not to mention, smoking causes yellowed teeth, poor gum health, and bad breath. Covering the smell up with a mint of some gum doesn’t always help, either. Imagine going on a first date, truly enjoying the experience and the person you’re seeing, but they smell the cigarettes on your breath…that’s not something you’d want them to remember, is it?
That’s not to say that smokers automatically have poor hygiene, so don’t mistake the message here. The point is that when you smoke, maintaining good hygiene is that much more difficult, which can affect your dating life. And if you want to get rid of your yellow teeth for good, consider this dentist In flint.
Limited Options
When you’re a smoker, you’re likely being limited to dating only other smokers. A lot of non-smokers don’t agree with the lifestyle choice of smoking cigarettes, which can limit your dating options. It’s not just because of the smell, either. Cigarettes are dangerous and can cause cancer and more health problems later in life. Some people prefer a person that takes care of themselves.
Let’s look at it from the perspective of a non-smoker. You meet someone great, you mesh well, but they’re a smoker. Would you date someone who intentionally injected themselves with a cancer-causing serum every day? Of course not! That would be irresponsible, right? When you smoke cigarettes on a daily basis, it’s only a matter of time before you develop serious health complications.
That’s a lot of responsibility for your partner to take on. What happens if you develop cancer? Heart disease? Lose your lung function? That’s not a very bright future for an outsider to look in on. Most people are looking for happy, healthy partners they can build a life with. It’s hard to build a life with someone when they’re actively damaging their physical health and putting themselves at risk for disease and cancer.
Quitting smoking can help you get back out there and open up your dating options. Soon after you quit, the body begins to heal, and you’ll notice a difference almost immediately. Try using tobacco free dip or another alternative product to maintain a tobacco ritual without the tobacco.
Decreased Sexual Function
Sexual intimacy is an important component of a relationship for most people. It brings two people closer together, it’s enjoyable, and establishes a special kind of trust between partners. When you’re a smoker, you can suffer from a myriad of sexual problems, mostly physiological.
Since smoking restricts blood vessels, males can experience erectile dysfunction from regular cigarette use, making sexual intimacy difficult. Not to mention, it can be a little embarrassing when you think you’re ready to go, and well…you’re not.
Decreased blood flow and oxygen-depleted red blood sales create a potent cocktail of sexual dysfunction. This can cause issues between you and your partner and affect the relationship in a negative way…all because of cigarettes.
Research has shown that frequent tobacco use can actually cause infertility in both men and women. That’s right; if there’s a family in your future, you could be throwing that future down the drain by smoking cigarettes. You’re increasing your risk of miscarriage by about 30% if you’re a woman and males can expect to have decreased sperm count and quality.
Of course, it’s also known that smoking during pregnancy puts your unborn child at risk for birth defects and even death.The bottom line? If you want a family in the future, it’s time to make a selfless decision and put down the cigarettes so that you can have healthy children.
Decreased Libido and Energy
With oxygen-depleted blood, restricted blood vessels, and poor lung function, you’ll find that your energy levels have decreased dramatically; along with your libido. After all, if you don’t have the energy to even walk across the room, how are you going to conjure enough for sexual intimacy?
Smoking can decrease your drive and energy in the bedroom, alienate your partner, limit your options, and set you up for health problems later on. So, why are you still smoking?
There are many ways to quit that don’t simply involve going cold turkey: nicotine patches are effective, and you could try switching to vapes to slowly wean yourself off – they don’t contain tobacco and are considered healthier overall than smoking cigarettes. Good luck!