Reasons Why Being Single is Not Bad as You Think

Let’s just say it as it is – relationships are overrated. Searching for a life partner is something we’ve been conditioned to do. Movies, love songs, books, tv shows, basically all sorts of media are just making us believe that relationships are the one thing that’s going to make us happy. They make us believe that we need love and a relationship to make us complete like it’s the only thing that can bring you joy in life. That’s simply not true. Here are some reasons why being single simply isn’t as bad as you might think. 

Date Yourself

Single life might seem sad, boring, and unappealing. Sometimes you just want to have someone be there for you and take care of you. But people often forget that romantic relationships are an investment. And you can invest in yourself as well. You’re allowed to take yourself on a date, and spend time with yourself. Learning to be alone, and spend time with yourself just as you would with a partner is a freeing experience. You can give yourself the time and the attention you need and shower yourself with love. And you can just go on that solo date, and do whatever you want! The best thing about that is that you’re surely going to be grateful for every ounce of self-care and love you give yourself, unlike (some!) unappreciative partners who’d find something to complain about the wild date ideas you might want to go on.

Learn To Love Yourself

Spending time without a partner helps a lot when you’re on a journey to self-discovery. Learning to love and be yourself isn’t an easy task. It can help when someone loves you, for sure. But being in a relationship means you might end up projecting the person you want your partner to love, instead of being your true authentic self. And that, in turn, means you run away from yourself, so self-love gets hard. But thankfully, these 9 strategies can help you stop searching for love outside yourself. When you do that, when you embrace your true, authentic self, you start to live a life that’s the truest to you. Your best life. And then again, you unlock a kind of happiness that you couldn’t even dream of before. There’s something so good about feeling comfortable and truly yourself in your skin. So learn to love yourself, you don’t need a partner to feel loved and cared for. Remember that.

Spend Time With Loved Ones

Often, when you hear the term loved one, you either think of family or a partner. But friends are a part of that too. When people are in romantic relationships, they tend to forget about other people they truly care about. So when you’re single you can turn your attention to your friends and family. Spending time with them will make you remember why they’re the people closest to you in the first place. Your friends are your chosen family, and reconnecting with them and sustaining that bond will surely make you feel good. You can do different fun things together. And you won’t feel alone. Being single doesn’t mean you’re alone, and putting time in your relationships that aren’t inherently romantic will help you remember that. Creating a support system with your friends and family is a love that’s special and undeniable, and nothing can change that.

Do Whatever You Want

Compromise is a huge part of every relationship, especially romantic ones. Starting from what movie you’re going to watch, to where you’re going to go on vacation and many other decisions, your opinions might be vastly different. And sometimes you have to agree with doing something you don’t about feel like doing. But when you’re single everything changes. You don’t have a romantic partner that might nag because you’re spending your money on a passion they don’t approve of. Nobody gets to control you. You get to do whatever you want with your time, without having to consult someone else. No compromise. It’s just you living your best life the way you want it to. Isn’t that freeing?

Seeing all those romantic couples on tv and hearing those bubbly love songs often make us feel horrible when we’re single. It’s as if we have no value out of relationships. But that’s simply not true. You don’t need a partner to feel loved, romantic love isn’t the only valid love there is. There is no shame in being single, it can be amazing and very freeing. Hopefully, this list helped you realize that single life isn’t as bad as you might think!

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