Planning A Destination Wedding? Here’s What You Need

If you’re planning a destination wedding, that’s super exciting. Being able to jet off somewhere beautiful to have your wedding is the stuff of dreams, and we’re so happy for you that you get to experience that. When you’re planning this though, you do need to consider a few different things, making sure that everything is right and that you have the wedding your heart desires. Interested in learning about what those things are? Let’s see!

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Of course, one of the most important parts of a destination wedding is the destination itself. You need to choose somewhere that you love, that you think is beautiful, and that is accessible to the people that you want on your trip. Try not to pick anywhere that is too expensive to get to, or your guests might struggle to make it. Or, if you have your heart set on somewhere that you know is quite pricey, perhaps see if you can cover accommodation or something for those closest to you.

There are plenty of sites online that can give you ideas of the best destinations for your wedding, so if you don’t have anywhere in mind yet, these might be helpful to you.


Next up, you’re going to have to look at venues online, and then book as many as you can in a couple of days to visit. Fly out there and take a look at what you’ve found so far, seeing if any of them are that special place for you. Your wedding venue is something that you should not compromise on, and if that means that you have to spend a little more here, you should 100% do it.

You’re only going to experience your wedding day once, so it’s worth the extra money to have the wedding venue that you fall in love with.


With a destination wedding you need to be prepared for many people and guests to say they can’t make it. Not everyone can afford flights and accommodation to luxury weddings across the globe. If you want specific people there, like parents and siblings then it might be helpful to set money aside and offer to pay for their travel or accommodation. You don’t have to pay for both but try and make things as easy as possible for your close friends and relatives. However, if you send out invites and you get plenty of RSVPs then ensure you alert the venue to how many guests will be joining you. 


Finally, where are you planning on going for your honeymoon? If you are having a destination wedding then where you get married might also be the destination for your honeymoon. This not only saves money but you are essentially already there so no more traveling around. Think about this carefully as you only get one honeymoon and you want to enjoy yourself. Many destinations will offer packages for your wedding and honeymoon, so speak to the venues and hotels if this is what you are interested in. 

We hope this gives you some ideas and inspiration on how you can have the most amazing destination wedding. 

About Ari Kane

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