Our Chocolate Obsession Explained
Our Chocolate Obsession started long before modern times. Before becoming a sweet treat, chocolate was used for currency. It was the basis for which many civilizations rose and fell. It has become one of the most well-known flavors throughout the world, mostly being used for desserts and sweets. From ancient times to modern, the stories of its source, how it is grown and processed has changed greatly. The roots of chocolate will remain the same throughout time. The roots of its history are especially important to the lineage of chocolate because it comes from the cacao plant. Theobroma Cacao is the tree that delivers the real source of chocolate to our entire world.
Theobroma cacao is native to the deep tropical regions of South America. Most recent science has found that the Mayo-Chinchipe people were using the cacao tree about 5,300 years ago. This is much earlier than once predicted. As we find more and more artifacts from that region, we learn it could be earlier than that. The trees, which are evergreens, grow best twenty degrees above and below the equator. Once the Americas were colonized, the Europeans carried the plant to many other colonized countries in the world to try growing and production. Although the flavor and production of cacao have reached worldwide proportions, the plant and fruit have been kept safe because it oxidizes and spoils so quickly. The cacao beans are what is used to create much of the cocoa and chocolate we know today. It is often fermented in its country of origin which helps preserve the seed while it is distributed.

The darkness of chocolate depends on how much sugar and milk are combined with the powder. The higher percentage of cacao the darker the chocolate. Some people are obsessed more with the confection and some are more obsessed with the dark, more bitter chocolate. If you are obsessed with dark chocolate, try Gourmet Dark Chocolate Sauce made by Monin. It is delicious and can be added to drinks, desserts, salty snacks, or fruit.
It was only in Europe that the production of how chocolate was consumed changed. Instead of using the entire bean, Europeans began separating the fat and the paste once it was crushed. They made a powder out of the paste and replaced the fat with milk and cream. They also began adding sugar which detracted from the naturally bitter taste. This is when chocolate became known as a sweet and people started chocolate festivals! This was known as a confection once the sugar was added. This is how the modern era of chocolate started and has remained. The cacao butter has become widely used in the cosmetic industry and the powder in chocolate making world.
Cacao was processed differently to consume. In ancient times it was not consumed as a sweet. It was often prepared as a drink combined with another crop of maize. These plants were crushed into a paste and combined with water. Cacao was held in such high honor that it was often only consumed in ceremony and ritual.

Cacao was not always used as we know it today. Our chocolate obsession has real monetary roots! In the great Aztec, Incan, and Maya civilizations, cacao beans were used as the first currency. It was known as a highly nutritious plant that could keep large populations fed. Therefore, it had a very high value in growing ancient cities. The role of cacao started to change when America was colonized by the Spanish. Europeans brought it home and sent it to other colonized countries such as Africa and Asia. It grew well along the equator in West Africa and this area has now become one of the largest areas of production.
In the great Aztec, Incan, and Maya civilizations, cacao beans were used as the first currency. It was known as a highly nutritious plant that could keep large populations fed. Therefore, it had a very high value in growing ancient cities. The role of cacao started to change when America was colonized by the Spanish. Europeans brought it home and sent it to other colonized countries such as Africa and Asia. It grew well along the equator in West Africa and this area has now become one of the largest areas of production.
No matter the time period throughout history, chocolate has always played a huge role in civilizations. It was once only available and consumed by a very small population of the world and has become a staple among the entire world. In its natural form, it was the fuel and currency of an entire civilization and now is the addiction for the world’s population. It is only again becoming popular to consume straight cacao through the trend of super-foods and healthy lifestyles. Perhaps the old and new ways will converge again.