The NYCWFF Breakfast Pajama Party was a Kid’s Dream
By Jennifer Shanteau
The sold out NYCWFF Breakfast Pajama Party hosted by TODAY’s Dylan Dreyer and Sheinelle Jones supporting No Kid Hungry and Food Bank for New York City was a kid’s party on steroids– everything a child could want. First of all, it was held at Kellogg’s. What kid doesn’t like cereal? Then, at Kellogg’s, there are paintings of all the cartoon characters that don their cereal boxes. The food was all very kid-centric, or for adults who are a kid at heart. Everything was sweet and appealing to eyes who’ve seen ten or less years for life. I didn’t hear any parents trying to convince their kids to eat anything here!

Coco & Cru


Sweet Afton
Besides the food of childhood dreams, there were plenty of activities to keep these pajama clad youngsters from getting bored, from a coloring table, to balloon making, to face painting, and classic video games, all while listening to pumped up, high volume kid friendly music. All they were missing were beds to jump on. Although, I’m sure that would’ve been a bit of a nightmare insurance wise.

Coloring Table

Balloon Creature Making

Face Painting
It happened to been quite a bleak, cold, rainy day when this event occurred, and nothing could have been more perfect to cheer a child up! The only thing I ask for next time is that you please pour larger portions of prosecco for the parents! Thank you NYCWFF!