Kone Sushi Miami – A Brazilian Twist in Sushi

Kone Sushi Miami – A Brazilian Twist in Sushi 

Photos by Kone Sushi

Sushi restaurants seem to be a bit too similar these days. Kone Sushi, located in Downtown Miami, takes Japanese food and fuses it with Brazilian flavors. Did you know that the largest sect of Japanese people in the world outside of Japan is actually in Brazil? One can still order their regular sushi, but Kone sushi also lets you get mango, chilli, truffles, caprihinas, Brigadeiro & Beijinhos with your meal.

Definitely start with the Lychee Sakerihina – this take on the Brazilian caprihina uses Sake as its base. It is not too sweet, but there is a strong lychee presence in taste and in cup. There are muddled as well as whole, large and fresh lychees filling the glass. Not overpoweringly sweet like the lychee martinis we are use to. Tis a far more subtle lychee experience.

kone sushi

The Jojo Trio is a beautiful sashimi dish that boasts truffle oil to greatly enhance the typical sashimi you are use to.

kone sushi

The Pure Protein Roll was designed for the Miami models and cross-fitters who are craving sushi, but do not want all the rice carbs that come with it. Pure Protein is salmon, tuna, shrimp & kani rolled with soy paper and you guessed it, no rice. It is served with ponzu and truffle oil sauce for a refreshing ripeness with each bite. I was worried the lack of rice would make a difference, but actually appreciated the contrast and lightness. The fish really shines when the rice is left behind.

kone sushi

The M.O.M. Moon over Miami is 6 pieces rolled with thinly sliced salmon carpaccio, filled with rice & avocado, with cusabi sauce. This inside our roll had the right balance of cream, rice and fish.

kone sushi

For dessert get ready to go a lil bit locito (crazy). There is a plethora of decadent dessert and Dessert Kones to order from. Favorites were the Coconut Brazilian treat Beijinho and the nutella cones. There is also a tempura cheesecake that I did not have room for, but was calling my name.

Kone Sushi Miami served lovely, fresh sushi & cocktails with a bodacious Brazilian influence. It is worth stopping by next time you are in the mood for some Sushi, lychees or nutella.


About Ari Kane

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