How To Choose The Right Online Therapy App For Your Specific Issue

As the popularity of using an online therapy app increases, there are more options for users to choose from. The problem is, with so many different apps available it can be difficult to decide which is best for you. No two people are alike, and what works well for one person may not work as well for another. Fortunately, there are some helpful guidelines that can help introduce you to the basic features of online therapy apps. There is no “best” app per se, but if you keep these tips in mind when searching you will be more likely to find an app that meets your needs.

Determine How Much Time You Have For Sessions Each Week

One thing that sets online therapy apart from traditional face-to-face encounters is that some apps allow you to schedule sessions on your own terms. Appointment scheduling may be determined by how much time you have during the week, or perhaps which days of the week work best for you. If this is very important then select an app that allows you some flexibility with regards to availability.

Choose An Option That Supports Multiple Platforms

As technology continues to advance so too do the mobile apps available. The first mobile options largely allowed access to existing online therapy platforms, but new apps are currently being developed specifically for mobile devices. Keep in mind that some apps are only compatible with certain mobile operating systems (e.g., iOS, Android). So research what options are available before making a commitment.

Compare Prices

The cost of online therapy is generally similar to in-person rates. However, if you want an especially affordable option then check out some of the apps that provide free or low-cost sessions (note: however there are limitations to this approach). So a good way to find the right therapy app is by comparing prices; comparing betterhelp vs talkspace cost shows that cost is an important determinant. If cost isn’t too much of a factor for you, keep in mind that price may also reflect the support and other features available through the app.

Find An App That Integrates Multimedia

Although not every online therapy app will support all features, over time more options are integrating multimedia access. For example, some apps allow users to record “voice memos”, take photos, or create handwritten messages as part of the session. You may find these types of multimedia interactions particularly helpful depending on what type of help you feel you need most.

Assess The Quality Of Customer Service

If you have any questions regarding how an online therapy app works then check out their customer support options. Some apps have phone numbers, while others provide live chat or email assistance. Furthermore, look to see if there are FAQs or blogs available for additional general information about using an online therapy app. 

Review Privacy Policies And Safety Measures

Online therapy is generally safe but make sure your chosen app has proper security settings in place. Remember that having a secure platform is beneficial both to you as the user and also to the app’s company (if they want your business then they should be willing to invest in keeping things safe). Try contacting members of the team behind the app, then you might also want to ask them about the additional safety features they offer (e.g., HIPAA compliance, in case of emergencies).

Find Out What Support Is Offered In Between Sessions

While each online therapy app has different offerings some will provide support during times when you can’t connect with your therapist. For example, find out if there are community forums where users can interact and/or chat rooms for those who need immediate help. Also, check what types of educational material may be offered as part of the platform; maybe it provides some useful written or video guides that can be accessed for free or on-demand as needed. As such, know that this information should determine how much support is throughout each session and more importantly it should reflect what you need in order to get the most out of your sessions.

Look For An App That Has Customizable Options

There are many different types of online therapy apps so find one that is able to cater to each individual’s needs. For example, some apps include an option called “e-coaching” which lets you work with coaches/trainers who specialize in areas like fitness or business. So if you think this might be right for you then look for an app that offers other similar features (like CBT Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, etc.) so it will provide value even when not participating in a session.

These guidelines can help you better understand some of the basics of online therapy apps. Keep in mind that these tips don’t apply to every app on the market, but they do provide a general idea of what to expect from different services. So if you take some time to learn more about what’s available then chances are good that you’ll find an app that meets all (or most) of your needs.

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