How to Build a DIY Wildlife Habitat in Your Garden

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So, just go ahead and imagine yourself stepping outside to sip your morning coffee, only to find your garden alive with birds singing, bees buzzing, and butterflies gliding from flower to flower. Now, something like this sounds like paradise, right? While some people prefer a pest-free garden, others want to focus more on doing something good for the environment instead.

Actually, creating a wildlife habitat in your garden isn’t just good for the planet, it’s downright magical. People seriously do love these, and you don’t need a sprawling backyard or a degree in ecology to make it happen. Even if you live somewhere more urban, you can enjoy this too. So, with all of that said, here’s how to turn your garden into the go-to hangout spot for local wildlife.

Just Go Ahead and Start with the Basics

Now, the downright basic of them all is going to be water, yep, it’s as simple as that! So, water is the universal drawcard. For example, a pond, even a small one, is like an open invitation for frogs, dragonflies, and birds to swing by. But what if you lack the room for a pond? Well, that’s no problem. Actually, even a shallow dish or birdbath works just fine, as long as it’s clean and accessible.

But if you want to take it up a notch (and save on your water bill), then why not look into installing rainwater tanks? But what does this even have to do with a wildlife garden? Well, quite a lot actually! So, for starters, they’re eco-friendly and give you a steady supply of fresh, plus untreated water that wildlife actually prefers (meaning no tap water). Besides, it keeps your plants hydrated too, so everyone wins.

Build Some Real Estate for Critters

Sounds cute enough, right? Well, every good garden needs a few cosy corners. For example, birds love nesting boxes and even some dense shrubs where they can stay safe. So you can’t go wrong and have those (plus both enhance the aesthetics anyway). But for the smaller visitors, like hedgehogs or toads, a woodpile or overgrown corner is perfect, and it’s something that they love. But you can’t forget about insects, sure, they’re known for being pests, but not all of them inherently are.

So, an insect hotel made of hollow stems (and other materials) can be ideal, but you can usually buy these pretty cheap too. So, not only do they keep your plants happy and pollinated, but they’re also fascinating to watch.

Roll Out the “Floral Buffet”

Okay, it’s obvious, but it still deserves some attention, so, plants are more than decoration; they’re food, shelter, and fuel for your garden’s visitors. Just think about it; bees and butterflies are especially drawn to nectar-rich flowers, so, just adding these to your garden is like setting up a buffet that never runs out. 

But you need to go with native plants, nothing invasive, and it also helps to look into flowers that bloom at different times of the year too.

Embrace a Little Chaos

A lot of people dislike this one but forget perfectly trimmed lawns and pristine flowerbeds. Wildlife loves a bit of mess. Besides, having some long grass is too good. It doesn’t need to look unkempt either.

Ditch the Chemicals

Chemicals might keep weeds at bay, but they’re not doing wildlife any favours. Pesticides and herbicides can harm everything from bees to birds, so it’s time to say goodbye to them. Yes, seriously, go all natural!

About Ari Kane

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