Great Tips to Make Camping Barbecue Grills Easier and Tastier

Great Tips to Make Camping Barbecue Grills Easier and Tastier

Camping and grilling is a pleasant experience for anyone who has tried it. Gathering around the grill, smelling the sweet scent of burger or kebab cooking, and enjoying your time with your family or friends. Nothing beats enjoying the outdoors and nature with culinary delicacies. Many people enjoy grilling as the activity relaxes and brings out the creative side of them while the end product makes them proud and happy. 

Beginners always dread taking responsibility for the grill because many things can go wrong and they don’t want to ruin the group’s meal. These tips are perfect for beginners or people who want to up their game to make delicious meals on the grill.

Keep the Grate Clean

It is important to keep your grill before and after every session of grilling. Before turning the grill on, scrub the grates of the grill lightly with cooking oil or spray to prevent the food from sticking. You can lightly soak a paper towel with cooking oil to scrub the grates. When the grill cools down after grilling, clean the grate from any food sticking on them to prevent those burnt pieces from being mixed into the next meal. You can rub half an onion on the grates to remove any residual grease or grime and add a subtle onion flavor for your next meal.

Create Heat Zones

Different heat zones have a purpose in cooking. The medium to low heat zones cooks food thoroughly without burning the food exterior while the high heat zones sear the outside of the food. Divide the grill into heat zone sections and don’t forget which one is which. If you can put your hand 4 inches above the grill for 4 seconds, then it’s on medium heat.

Season Early

Adding seasoning to your food and letting it rest for a while will allow it to absorb more of the flavor. One hour before grilling, add a marinade, seasonings, or dry rub to your food. Using fresh lemon juice in your marinades will tenderize the meat and it blends well with different sauces and flavors.

Keep an Eye on The Grill

Camping grilling requires more attention than indoor cooking. Many things can spoil a good meal, even something as simple as a flare-up. No matter what kind of grill you are using, whether it’s a gas grill, portable grills, electric, or charcoal grills, they can all malfunction for one reason or another. You don’t want to leave food on the grill and later find out the charcoal is extinguished or the gas tank is empty. Additionally, if you want the food cooked in a certain way, you have to take it off the grill at the right time.

Use 2 Kebab Skewers

It is frustrating to turn kebabs on the grill because they keep slipping and won’t turn to your liking. To fix that problem, put 2 skewers in the kebab to easily turn them with your hand or with tongs if they are too hot. Additionally, you can soak the skewers in water before putting them on the girl so that they don’t burn and ruin the flavor of the kebabs.

Take Food Off the Grill Early

Many people make the mistake of leaving food on the grill until it reaches the cook they want. What they don’t know is the food keeps cooking even after you take it off the grill as it still retains heat from the grill. To avoid overcooking your food, take it off the grill by a minute or two and enjoy the exact taste you want when it cools off.

Don’t Turn or Poke Meat

We all get antsy when we are waiting for that juicy piece of steak to get done, so we keep turning it to check if it’s done. However, turning meat before it’s ready will make it stick to the grates and ruin its integrity. Instead, let the meat take its time and it will release itself from the grates when ready. Don’t poke the meat with a fork to check if it’s done or to flip it, as the juices escape from it when pierced. Use a spatula or tongs to turn and move your food.

These tips will ensure that your next camping grilling experience will be tasty and flawless. Grilling needs patience, attention, and good timing to make sure your food is done to your liking. Each person has a preference when it comes to the type of grill they are using, but these tips are valid for every type.

2 Comments on this post

  1. You make a great point about how kebabs need to be soaked. I don’t even have a grill to make kebabs. I’ll have to consider getting a grill with automatic timers.

    Tex Hooper / Reply

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