Everything You Need to Know Before Smoking Roaches Weed

Those who smoke weed know that rolling a blunt or joint is a skill that not many masters. Across the globe, you can find different ways to roll a joint and smoke roaches, each different from the other.

If you are into smoking weed, then you know the need to be frugal about your consumption. Weed is expensive, after all. One of the ways to save some precious weed is by smoking roaches.

Here is a guide on what roaches weed are and how to roll the perfect joint.

What are Roaches Weed?

The small amount of weed that’s left behind after you have smoked the majority of the blunt of the joint is called roach weed. Many choose to throw away the end. But if you want, you can salvage a small amount of weed.  

However, be prepared to experience a harsher taste compared to fresh weed. It is because of the oils that collect on the weed due to the burning of the blunt. Roaches are still capable of making you feel high. This is because weed tends to have the same THC level.

Ways to Smoke Roaches

If you want, then roach weed can be smoked in two ways:

  1. Roll a blunt

Rolling a blunt is one of the best ways to smoke weed. Collect the weed from the roaches and mix some fresh weed if you prefer. Take the rolling paper; roll the weed from the roaches, tuck, stick, and smoke.

  1. Fill the bowl

If you are too lazy to roll a blunt and do not feel like wasting a rolling paper on a roach blunt, then use your pipe. Crush the weed a bit and fill your pipe bowl to half capacity. Hit the bowl and smoke the roaches.

Tips to Roll a Roach Blunt

Here are some tips that will help roll a perfect roach weed blunt.

  1. Collect the roaches

Well, before you start rolling some roach weed blunt, you need to collect at least some of them to fill a blunt. When you smoke a blunt, keep the ends and don’t throw them away. Let them cool down, and then tear the paper and collect them.

  1. Mix some fresh weed

You can add some fresh weed to the roaches, put them in the weed grinder, and mix them nicely. It will help uplift their taste a slight bit.

  1. Spread evenly

After mixing the fresh weed with roaches salvage, spread them evenly on the rolling paper. Make sure to spread the weed properly with your fingers. It will avoid clustering of the weed in one place.

  1. Choose the right paper

Picking a thin paper for rolling your roach blunt will cause the blunt to get wet after a few drags. This will make the blunt useless, and it will also make the taste of the weed harsh. So, always pick a thick rolling paper so that the blunt does not get wet.

  1. Add a filter

Roaches are semi-burnt. That is why the smoke from the roaches can be slightly a bit harsher. If you want to avoid harsh smoke entering your lungs from the burning roach, then add a filter. The filter will not only help burn the entire joint. But will also mellow the burnt flavor to some extent.

  1. Roll properly

Keep the hands steady and hold the paper tightly. Keep the rolls tight while tucking the weed tightly to avoid loosening the blunt after the final roll. Before moistening the adhesive strip, make sure that the blunt is tight and tucked.

Why Smoke Roach Blunt?

Smoking roaches weed is not quite common among daily weed smokers. But, there are a few advantages of smoking roaches blunt or pipe:

  • Save money: Rolling paper and weed is expensive. So, if you plan to spend less, then smoking roaches can help save some of your salaries. But as an alternative to smoking roches you can grow weed on your own. For example, there is a variety of cannabis sativa on the market. You can buy cannabis sativa seeds for sale at a reasonable price. After the bush grows, you no longer need to buy weed that costs an arm and a leg.
  • Prolong stash: Lastly, smoking roaches will help prolong your weed stash, and you will not have to make a frequent run to shop.

Smoking roach weed blunt will help save money. It is super easy to roll some blunt using roaches. All you need to do is collect some weed from the roaches, roll them in a new rolling paper, and smoke.

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