By Jennifer Shanteau
What’s up?
In case you forgot, you’re reading this just in time! EZOO is back! This years’ music festival, officially Electric Zoo Evolved, is this Friday, through Sunday, August 30- September 1st, once again, on beautiful Randall’s Island. So, far, it looks like the New York weather is in our favor. There are still tickets left. Buy them here, before they sell out.

Who should go?
If you’ve never been to Electric Zoo, you’re in for a mind bending experience. Whether you’re a corporate slave by day, or a straight up groupie, Electric Zoo Evolved has something for you. Everyone is included, and everyone is welcome. Whether you’re into massive bass, slow grooves or head banging energy, there is music here to speak to your soul. Young, old, hip, out of the loop, anyone can enjoy. That’s one of the best things about this festival.

What’s the set up?
The whole event is held outside, on Randall’s Island. During each of the three days of Electric Zoo Evolved, there are four stages hosting up to ten different acts. You do the math. Yeah, that’s a lot of acts! Each stage has its own vibe. I always found myself drawn to the Hillside stage, where my partner in crime liked the All My Friends (formerly Tree House or Sunday School) stage best. You’ll find your favorite, or who knows, maybe you’ll like them all? It’s one beautiful, musical escape. If you want to know who will be there when, here is the line up.

What about food?
As a foodie first and foremost, I assure you there will be plenty of enticing options at Electric Zoo Evolved on the food front. I’ve eaten everything from lobster rolls and Mac and Cheese to cheeseburgers and tacos. In fact, there are always so many good options, you can attend the festival all day every day, and not eat the same thing twice. Of course, very importantly, festive beverages are also plentiful.

What should I wear?
Anything your heart desires! People wear everything from a full furry tiger suit to practically nothing at all, and everything in between. You can go full on glitter makeup, put on your peace love vibe and adorn yourself with flowers, or just grab your favorite shorts and t-shirt. Missed out on Halloween this year? Wear it here. Absolutely anything goes! There is only one fashion rule to observe……wear comfy shoes.

Electric Zoo Evolved will be held on Randall’s Island in New York. Hours are: Friday from 3:00 pm to Midnight, Saturday and Sunday from 1:00 pm to Midnight. Click here for payment information, and on how to get to the festival. See you there!