Black Lives Matter: Things You Need To Know When Taking Action
Racism has been present since the beginning of history against black people. In light of recent events over the tragic deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor, the phrase Black Lives Matter has flooded the media. We fully support the Black Lives Matter movement and believe in taking action for racial equality. What we’ve written below are things you need to know.
“It is not enough to be quietly non-racist, now is the time to be vocally anti-racist.”
Voting in Elections Will Significantly Bring Change
You need to vote. Voting is truly the most significant action towards obtaining the change we wish to see in our country. Protests, organizations, donations, using your social media platform to speak up, etc. can help spread awareness and show support. But, the real change happens in ELECTIONS. When we vote for an anti-racist candidate, we are physically one step closer to changing the racial injustice system to become anti-racist. Therefore, every single election counts. To emphasize, big nation-wide elections, local elections, and even small community elections make a difference. The majority of protestors will speak their truth, but will not vote whether it be because of their age, or their lack of awareness towards the importance of voting. It is our responsibility as a community to lead the way and teach others about the importance of voting.

Things You Can Do To Support
If you are not sure of how to respond or act, that’s OKAY. In fact, scroll down for more lists on organizations and donation links. Here are a few of the several different ways you can help make a difference and support Black Lives Matter:
- Sign petitions
- Donate
- Peacefully protest
- Research, read, and share knowledge on white supremacy and racism
- Listen to the minority, empathize with them
- Call out racism when you see/hear it. Don’t just idly stand by and watch it happen. Speak up and defend the minority. Teach others with love and compassion to be anti-racist
- Register to vote and VOTE during times of an election
- Send an email, text, and/or letter to the Minneapolis District Attorney and Minneapolis Mayor. Contact info can be found here. Demand all officers to be arrested for the murder of George Floyd. There’s even an option where the letter is already written for you, so all you have to do is send it.
- Support Black-Owned Businesses. Here’s a list created by @ZachIsWeird of black-owned restaurants in Miami
“It doesn’t matter how small or large your social media platform is, it is still an opportunity to reach people. Use it.”
Stop Using “All Lives Matter” and Start Saying “Black Lives Matter”
Stop saying “All Lives Matter” and refrain from using that hashtag. Although all lives do matter, the harsh reality is that black lives do not in the justice system. Therefore, the context of this phrase is actually very controversial in regard to the concerns of black and brown people who are unfairly less privileged. It can even be offensive, as it is a very sensitive subject. Black lives are inherently less privileged due to racial inequality, whereas people with white skin are simply born with more privileges. On the whole, if all lives truly did matter, then why do we continue to fight so hard to put an end to racism today? That is why we use the phrase “Black Lives Matter”, because not all lives are treated equally.
“If you don’t like a few days of rioting, you’d really hate 400 years of systemic oppression and discrimination.”
– @WLMAnderson
Protest Peacefully
If you wish to take part in a protest, please DO YOUR RESEARCH. Do not just simply take part in a protest you see on the internet as it may not be created through a reputable organization. Authentic protests are created and led by organizations through grassroots movements. To clarify, these protests are not controlled by the state. They are organized by ordinary citizens who strive to fight for social rights and equality. Also, research how to protest safely and most importantly, protest PEACEFULLY. If you see a protestor acting out, bring them back to a calm state of mind. Remind aggressive protestors that violence is not the answer. Listen to them, understand their emotions, and firmly bring them back to peace. Ultimately, this is a collective effort.

“It is NOT enough to simply post on social media. Continuous action must be taken in order for change to happen”
Remember, This is NOT a “Trending Topic”
Black Lives Matter is not a current social media trend, but a continuous movement. This movement fights for the day when black lives are no longer treated with inequality. Look up various ways to help your community and study black history. Research contemporary race relations and read material that deepens your knowledge on racial injustice. If you wish to be an ally, you need to speak up, take action, and stand together as a collective to fight for/with the minority who need our support. Some people may not understand this yet, so we need to teach them. We need to remain peaceful and do everything with compassion. Continuous efforts need to be made until humans with darker skin tones are treated equally.
Ways You Can Take Action And Get Involved
- Text “FLOYD” to 55156 to sign the Justice for George Floyd Petition
- Sign the Justice for George Floyd petition
- Donate to the Official George Floyd Memorial Fund set up by his family
- Donate to organizations like Black Lives Matter
- Visit the Color of Change website. Color of Change creates campaigns to end practices that unfairly hold Black people back and champions solutions that move us all forward
- Visit NAACP, the nation’s first and largest grassroots-based civil rights organization
- Follow Dream Defenders Instagram and Dream Defenders Miami page to stay up to date on actions you can take
- Follow FempowerMIA Instagram to keep up to date on Miami bail funds for protestors
- Support black owned businesses by signing the petition at 15 Percent Pledge. 40% of black owned businesses are weary about surviving the COVID-19 pandemic. 15 Percent Pledge is a team of black female entrepreneurs asking major retailers such as Whole Foods and Target to dedicate 15% of their shelf space to black owned businesses
- Click on this list of petitions you can sign to help bring justice for black lives taken by police brutality and social racism
- Click on this list of actions you can take to support Black Lives Matter
Where You Can Donate
- George Floyd Memorial Fund By His Brother
- I run with Maud – Justice for Ahmaud Arbery Fundraiser
- Justice for Breonna Taylor Petition and Fundraiser
- Minnesota Freedom Fund – End discriminatory, coercive, and oppressive jailing
- National Bail Out Fund – Free Black Mamas
- Southern Poverty Law Center – SPLC works to seek justice for the most vulnerable members of our society
- NAACP – Detroit Chapter
- Fempower Bail Out – Bail out protestors who have been arrested during Miami protests
- List of Bail Funds for Protestors across the country
- A list of ways you can donate without using your own money, such as streaming music or playing games