We all know family travel can be a lot of fun, especially if you’ve got the kids along with you for the first time and it’s great to watch them discover the world. But we also need to leave a little room for the solo trip too! Solo travel is great for the mind, body, and soul, and when you really need to get out there and experience something, you don’t have to wait for anyone else to be ready.
But if the only way you could realistically travel alone right now is via car, will you really have fun? A road trip is usually planned for two or more people, seeing as it’s nice to take your time with your partner or a close friend or sibling, so will you have the same experience when you’re on the road alone? Well, we think you could have an even better one! Here’s why.
Put on Whatever Music You Like and Pack Whatever Snacks You Want
This is really the best part of taking a solo road trip. You don’t have to compromise on the music taste or the snacks you’ve got in the back!
You can put on whatever you want and pack whatever you like to eat. And if you want to play a song over and over again, there’s no one else in the car to complain about that!
Stay at a Campground, Meet Plenty of New People
Staying at a campground makes all the difference to a solo road trip. You’re on your own in your vehicle, of course, and even if you like it that way, it’s nice to know there’s a chance to stop and chat with some people. As such, make sure you book into an RV campground or two while you’re on your route.
In doing so, you get a dose of human interaction that’s integral to staying sane in all that countryside. You also get the chance to meet other road trippers like you, who hold the same ideals about taking a vacation in the best way, and you can make some friends for life here.
Sign Up for Tour Groups and Group Activities
This is another way you can pad out your road trip with a bit of human interaction. Once you get to a planned destination on your route, you can book in with a local tour guide and join up with a group.
That means you can spend time with fellow travelers, get some one to one insight on the place you’re visiting, and still get to head back to your car and go off alone at the end of it all.
You can also try out some group activities while you’re in town, such as a cooking class or a wine making experience – just make sure you’ve got a room booked if you plan to drink some!
Yes, road trips are great for solo travel, and we’ll advocate for that over and over again!