5 Convincing Reasons to Buy a Used Ford Vehicle

There are always plenty of vehicles that you can buy. You can buy one brand new, but you may also choose to opt for either certified pre-owned or used. You can also peruse the many brands that are available. You may feel loyalty toward a certain one.

If you visit the Ennis dealerships, you should be able to find many used Ford vehicles for sale. Some of them may appeal, but maybe you are still on the fence about whether this is really your best option.

In this article, we will go through some convincing reasons why a used Ford might be the best choice for you and your family.

You Get an Iconic American Original

For one thing, if you decide that buying a used Ford is the right move for you, then you will be driving an American original with roots in this country that go back more than 100 years. It’s pretty incredible to think that you will be continuing a tradition that goes back to the early 1900s.

Many of the original Ford models have long since vanished from our roadways, but some of their descendents still tip their cap to those original designs in terms of their appearance. It’s amazing to think that you might be the third or the fourth generation of individuals in your family to purchase and drive a Ford vehicle as your primary means of transportation.

Buying Used Will Not Cost You as Much as Buying New

If you buy a used Ford, that might also be the smarter play than getting a brand-new one. It’s true that if you buy a brand-new car, it will come with all the latest bells and whistles. You will probably have superior safety features to the older models.

However, it’s also going to cost a lot more. If you have a brand-new vehicle, you will more than likely have to give the dealership a larger down payment. The monthly bill, assuming you didn’t pay for the car all at once, will also probably be higher.

Buying used means the car will not have as high of a price tag, so you probably won’t have to wipe out your savings. While used vehicles may not be as flashy and get you as much attention from neighbors, friends, or coworkers, the lower price might be all the incentive you need to go in this direction.

You May Be Able to Pay for the Vehicle All at Once

It’s also true that if you buy a used Ford rather than a certified pre-owned or used one, that you might be able to pay for the whole thing all at once. If you have some money in savings, now may be the time to make a larger purchase. You can rebuild your nest egg in time, and you will have a reliable way to get around, assuming you bought a vehicle that’s still in pretty good condition.

Not having to make monthly payments on a car can be a big deal for a lot of people. If you also have monthly bills such as gas, electric, and groceries, having a car payment on top of that can seem particularly onerous. You most likely have mortgage or rent payments as well, and probably much of your take-home pay will go toward that.

It’s nice to have one less monthly bill to worry about. Plus, it’s always pleasant to be able to look out at your car parked in the driveway and know that you own it outright. That ownership gives you a sense of pride.

Fords Tend to Retain Their Value Well

It’s also accurate to say that Ford vehicles usually retain their value well. If you were to buy a Ford car or truck, and you’re only its second owner, then it might still be in pretty good condition. Assuming you take good care of it as well, it should get you plenty of trade-in value later if you decide to sell it at some point down the line.

Ford Has Many Different Vehicle Options

There’s one more reason to think about buying a used Ford, and it is that the brand makes so many different models. You should be able to find something that matches your lifestyle and perfectly fits your needs, no matter what kind of job you have or the size of your family.

For instance, if you want a truck, you might look for a used F-150, F-250, or a Maverick. Maybe you will be more interested in something like an Escape, Bronco, Mustang, or Expedition. There are also ones like the Fiesta, Ranger, or Edge to think about.

If you buy a used Ford and drive it for a while, you might also choose to pass it along to your teen when they get their license and want a vehicle of their own. By doing so, you will keep the tradition in the family. You will have yet another generation of family members who show loyalty to the Ford brand.

If you’re unsure about buying a used vehicle because you’re concerned about breakdowns, though, you also have the option of buying a Ford car or truck certified pre-owned. That basically amounts to splitting the difference between used and new.

If you go with certified pre-owned, it will probably cost a bit more than if you buy a used one, but it will still not cost as much as what you would pay if you go with a brand-new option. You are liable to get a more generous warranty on it. You can also rest easy knowing that the car dealership that sold it to you presumably gave it a rigorous multi-point inspection before making it available for sale.

No matter whether you buy used or decide another option makes more sense for you, though, there’s no denying the enduring power of the Ford brand. Buying one connects you to this nation’s past, and many times, to previous generations of your family as well.

About Ari Kane

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